Session: Abstraction Techniques and SAT/SMT-Based Optimizations
Date: Thursday, March 21, 2013
Time: 11:00 am. - 12:30 pm.
Location/Room: Chartreuse
Session chair(s):
Fahim Rahim - Atrenta, France
Julian Schmaltz - Open University of the Netherlands, NL
Automatically computing abstractions of large circuits combined with powerful SAT and SMT solvers is key to the success of formal verification techniques. The papers of this session present significant improvements in abstraction techniques and SAT/SMT-based optimizations.
Details about the session: date-conference.com/.
Paper: Fast and Accurate Methodology for Power Estimation and Reduction of Programmable Architecture
Erwan Piriou and Raphael David - CEA LIST, Fance
Fahim Rahim - Atrenta, France
Solaiman Rahim - Atrenta, US
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Time: 5:15 pm. - 5:30 pm.
Location/Room: Meije
This paper presents a power optimization methodology that provides a fast and accurate power model for programmable architectures. The approach is based on a new tool that estimates power consumption from a register transfer level (RTL) module description, activity files and library. It efficiently provides an instruction-level accurate power model and allows design space exploration for the register file. A 19% improvement for a standard RISC processor is demonstrated.
Details about the session: date-conference.com/.
Panel: 2.5D vs. 3D: Who is Winning and Why?
Friday, March 22, 2013
Time: 3:40 pm. 4:40 pm.
Location / Room: Bayard
Paul Franzon - University North Carolina, US
Georg Kimmich - STEricsson, France
Juan Rey - Mentor Graphics, US
Ravi Varadarajan - Atrenta, US
3D Integration is a promising technology for extending Moore's momentum in the next decennium, offering heterogeneous technology integration, higher transistor density, faster interconnects, and potentially lower cost and time-to-market. To produce 3D chips, new capabilities are needed: process technology, architectures, design methods and tools, and manufacturing test solutions. The goal of this Workshop is to bring together researchers, practitioners, and others interested in this exciting and rapidly evolving field, in order to update each other on the latest state-of-the-art, exchange ideas, and discuss future challenges.
Details about the session: date-conference.com/.
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Atrenta’s SpyGlass® Predictive Analysis software platform (atrenta.com) significantly improves design efficiency for the world’s leading semiconductor and consumer electronics companies. Patented solutions provide early design insight into the demanding performance, power and area requirements of the complex system on chips (SoCs) fueling today’s consumer electronics revolution. More than two hundred companies and thousands of design engineers worldwide rely on SpyGlass to reduce risk and cost before traditional EDA tools are deployed. SpyGlass functions like an interactive guidance system for design engineers and managers, finding the fastest and least expensive path to implementation for complex SoCs.
SpyGlass from Atrenta: Insight. Efficiency. Confidence.
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E: liz[.]leepr.com - T: +1 650-363-0142
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