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Maine Author Presents Her Book - 'Hiding in Water: A Memoir Based Mostly in Reality' - The author, Katherine Lippa, is utilizing an innovative idea to market her book, 'Hiding in Water: A Memoir Based Mostly in Reality' -
Maine Author Presents Her Book - 'Hiding in Water: A Memoir Based Mostly in Reality'


NewswireTODAY - /newswire/ - Portland, ME, United States, 2013/01/24 - The author, Katherine Lippa, is utilizing an innovative idea to market her book, 'Hiding in Water: A Memoir Based Mostly in Reality' -

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At a time when the United States is approaching an average of 400,000 published books per year, new author Katherine Lippa is utilizing an innovative way to stand out from the crowd. Her Word-of-Mouth Crew is designed to pay back readers for doing what they like to do: suggest books to their friends.

As Lippa says,“I can only take credit for using the idea, not coming up with it. Last year, I found the website of another author, T.L. Hines; he’s the one who thought up the idea. To me, it seemed far less invasive than spamming people. This way, people can read the book, and if they like it, they can get something in exchange for taking the time to recommend it.”

The book, ‘Hiding in Water: A Memoir Based Mostly in Reality, ’ poses the question,“What happens when your father claims to be a prophet from another planet.” In the years before she was born, author Katherine Lippa’s father co-founded a group in which the participants believed they could levitate and move buildings with their minds. His parenting style was based on the premise that all people have a psychic nature and that with special training, a child can harness and build on those abilities. Young Miss Lippa was a willing participant in the experiment until the day she came to believe that her “powers” caused an unforgivable tragedy. Told with a surprising amount of humor and insight, Hiding in Water uses its unique platform to share a universal story of reconciling belief with reality: belief in ourselves, in others, in our chosen religions, and even in those who lead our countries.

The top Word-of-Mouth Crew Member will receive 10% of the author’s net royalties from ‘Hiding in Water: A Memoir Based Mostly in Reality,' up to $5,000, from February 1, 2013 through April 30, 2013. In addition, that person will receive a sneak peek at the author’s next book, an iPod Nano with the audiobook for Hiding in Water pre-loaded, and a namesake character in the author’s upcoming novel.

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Maine Author Presents Her Book - 'Hiding in Water: A Memoir Based Mostly in Reality'

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Contact: Katherine Lippa - 
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