Massachusetts Attorney Richard Vetstein Recognized As ABA Journal Top Legal Blogger
Editors of the ABA Journal announced today they have
selected The Massachusetts Real Estate Law Blog, authored by Framingham, Massachusetts Attorney Richard D. Vetstein as one of the top 100 best blogs for a legal audience.
The Massachusetts Real Estate Law Blog was the only real estate publication selected out of thousands of entries for this prestigious nomination.
"Each year, our choices become tougher. Blogging has become such a staple of
professional communication that keeping up with our own directory of more than 3,500
blogs by lawyers, judges, law professors or even law students is more formidable than
it's ever been," said ABA Journal Editor and Publisher Allen Pusey. "Some of them
have become such permanent, even required, fixtures in our everyday reading that we're
introducing the ABA Journal Blawg 100 Hall of Fame to recognize those blogs and
bloggers that have set the standards for this vast, vibrant network for legal news and
“I am very honored and humbled to be selected for this recognition,” said Richard D. Vetstein. “The blog is a great platform to keep my clients and the public educated on recent changes in Massachusetts real estate law. I’ve been fortunate that Massachusetts courts and lawmakers have been extremely busy with real estate issues these last several years!”
Now that the editors have made their picks, the ABA Journal is asking readers to weigh
in and vote on their favorites in each of the 6th Annual Blawg 100's 15 categories. Go
to abajournal.com/blawg100 to register and vote. Voting ends at close of
business on Dec. 21, 2012.
About Richard D. Vetstein and the Vetstein Law Group, P.C.
The Vetstein Law Group, P.C. (vetsteinlawgroup.com) is a law firm based in Framingham, MA, servicing clients in real estate, real estate and business litigation, construction, condominium, and zoning law. Richard D. Vetstein, Esq., the Firm’s Founding Partner, is a nationally recognized real estate attorney, having contributed to the Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe and Financial Times.