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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2006/12/27 - Australian organisation ChannelPoint.com.au today announced new services to assist vendors with their channel partner relationships.
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In the highly dynamic and often commoditised technology markets, vendors are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain lasting and profitable relationships with their channel partners. ChannelPoint.com.au is an Australian based organisation providing services to the channel and is making inroads for vendors willing to collaborate more closely with their distributors and resellers.
For too long, many vendors and their channel partners have engaged in a buyer-seller relationship which automatically placed their respective organisations at odds with one another. Vendors by their nature have been too myopic in their focus on revenue and shareholder value. In contrast, distributors and resellers have been focussed on gross margin in order to survive. Rarely have these two organisational objectives been in sync.
A new pattern is emerging with vendors that are increasingly channels savvy and can see the benefit of working collaboratively with their channel partners in a mutually rewarding partnership. This is a positive sign for the industry and shows a degree of maturity that is long overdue.
Organisations such as ChannelPoint.com.au are there to help vendors and channel partners alike in their efforts to work together effectively. Often times the difficulty lies in taking the first steps towards collaboration. There are trust issues to be managed and differences of opinion that need to be worked through. Beyond these there is a vital requirement to obtain the buy-in of key executive level stakeholders within the vendor organisation. ChannelPoint.com.au has new programmes available to obtain the requisite support and work through the day-to-day relationship issues.
“Our programmes show vendors and their channel partners new ways to work together and achieve lasting benefits for both organisations” stated Sales & Marketing Director, Robert Nagy. “The primary client base for these services will be vendors” added Nagy, “however we also anticipate a great deal of interest from channel members who are really hurting the most”. Nagy posits that the ChannelPoint.com.au website will provide an open forum to get discussions underway rather than solve detailed concerns. He adds that the ideal forum is through a mediated discussion between affected parties. ChannelPoint.com.au staff are experienced in bringing various parties together and overcoming past difficulties.
Vendors seeking that edge within the channel will do well to consider their channel partner relationships. The ChannelPoint.com.au site is a serves as an excellent platform to get discussions started at a high level. Their team of channels experts can also assist vendors obtain vital and constructive feedback about the relationship which can be used as the basis for gaining trust and building highly effective channels relationships.
About ChannelPoint.com.au
ChannelPoint.com.au is an Australian-based services organisation providing technology vendors and channel members with a platform to communicate and collaborate in an open and supportive forum. Our goal is to empower our client organisations with a voice that will be heard throughout the channel as well as provide a means for members to connect and explore new and exciting partnering opportunities.
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Contact: Robert Nagy - ChannelPoint.com.au
+61(3) 9867 5883 info[.]channelpoint.com.au