Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry, CEO | President DonnaInk Publications, announced successful negotiation and acquisition of emergent author Bill Moorefield and his newest title,"TIN TALES." She states: “I have long had an interest in Ferrotype or ‘Tin’ photography. The history, culture . . . the milieu of another world and time captured in these type of photos is fascinating. When Moorefield approached the DonnaInk Publications Literary Team with Tin Tales, I was intrigued and told my team - we have to have this new non-fiction title. And, Bill is joy to work with, which makes the effort much more rewarding."
You can glean a lot from an old photograph. When postulating on the styles and customs of the Victorian era through this title, you actually view the past on a thin immortalized sheet of iron, which is exceptionally inspiring. The joys, happiness, struggles or woes of the era as well as the oddities are deftly captured in these photos. On first glance, without the back-stories, typically inaccurate imaginings come to mind - the truth of the matter tends to be a shocker. These subjects of some of the earliest photographs generally fail to smile. Whether these folks were happy or sad is a guess without the stories accompanying each artistic rendering. What was the Victorian’s obsession with capturing the dead in a photograph? Could there be a darker, hidden aspect to this prim, proper and orderly society?
It is precisely these types of questions which form the basis of Moorefield’s newest novel,"TIN TALES." Within the pages of this book, Moorefield presents ten well-preserved tin images from this seemingly archaic technological achievement in the Victorian era. He weaves a story around each presentation of memorabilia and alleviates our questions, while opening an abundant reservoir of new questions.
Bill Moorefield acquired his education from Duke University and now resides with his wife Jackie in North Carolina. A semi-retired orthopedist, he now has time to pursue his other interests and hobbies, namely fly fishing, stone carving, singing and of course, antique photography and writing. Bill's previously published novel, ARMACHAIN is also going to be reprinted by DonnaInk Publications in 2013.
For more information about Bill Moorefield and Tin Tales, please visit his personal blog at williammoorefield.wordpress.com or visit us at donnaink.org!