Three Rivers Systems, Inc. is demonstrating CAMS® Enterprise, the disruptive technology choice for academic management at the Arkansas Association of Two-Year Colleges annual conference this week in Hot Springs, Ark. A disruptive technology is an innovation creating a new market that “disrupts” an existing one by displacing earlier technology.
AATYC, a non-profit higher-education membership organization serving the educational needs of two-year college students in Arkansas, points out that the state’s community colleges have seen enrollment grow 21 percent since 2007, while state funding has dropped 17 percent. In the same time period, though, degree and certificate completion rates have risen a staggering 67 percent nonetheless.
Similarly, community colleges across the country are a popular choice given the multitude of benefits for students: cost savings from lower tuition fees and being able to live at home; smaller classes and a focus on individualized instruction; more time to decide on a major and to try new areas of interest; closer to family and community support and full- or part-time jobs; as well as access to niche training programs to accommodate local job markets.
Positioned between a convergence of rising demand and falling funding as they are, community colleges must find innovative ways to meet this disruptive environment head-on. These and other issues are described in a white paper Three Rivers Systems is offering without charge to ATTYC attendees this week.
Titled “Community Colleges Do More With Less,” the white paper documents how two-year colleges have emerged as a popular, affordable results-driven choice in the new economics of higher education.
“To keep pace with disruptive events, community colleges need a disruptive technology to manage their academic and business operations, Three Rivers Systems Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing Jami Morshed said. “They need CAMS Enterprise, which is a 21st century academic management system that’s unlike other academic ERPs that are based on antiquated technology.”
Morshed added that CAMS Enterprise is especially valuable in leveraging limited assets for community colleges due to its unmatched ability to increase productivity and ROI.
Three Rivers Systems serves many two-year colleges across the U.S., including Rich Mountain Community College, in Mena, Ark.; Clinton Community College near Plattsburgh, N.Y.; Southwest Wisconsin Technical College in Fennimore, Wis.; and Frank Phillips College, near Amarillo, Texas.
The Arkansas Association of Two-Year Colleges is a private, non-profit higher education membership organization serving the educational needs of two-year college students and the business/industry needs of the state. AATYC represents all 22 public two-year colleges in Arkansas. AATYC facilitates the sharing of ideas, resources and opportunities among its members, and advocates on behalf of members’ students.
About CAMS Enterprise
CAMS Enterprise’s disruptive technology makes it a fundamentally different academic ERP unlike all others that were designed for the past and are incapable of operating efficiently in the modern world. CAMS Enterprise is an easy-to-use and implement, totally integrated, Web-native management system with everything in one place — admissions; student information; financial aid; student services; fiscal management with HR and payroll; fund-raising; alumni relations; document management, learning management, a full suite of portals, and more for managing the entire student life cycle. With an out-of-the-box configuration and self-service customization, CAMS Enterprise removes all barriers to success seen with conventional systems. CAMS’ affordable licensing, off-the-shelf configuration and easy implementation translate into the lowest total cost of ownership of any academic ERP while yielding the quickest and highest ROI.
About Three Rivers Systems, Inc.
Three Rivers Systems, Inc. (threeriverssystems.com) is the only privately held, independent, debt-free, one-stop company focused solely on high-quality academic ERP solutions exclusively for higher education. For more than 25 years from its St. Louis headquarters, the company is keenly focused on innovation and service to its worldwide customers. Always innovating, the company invests significant revenues back into product R&D to improve existing products while developing new ones so users always get the exact functionality, industry experience and accurate project management they need. Its business model and products are designed to ensure institutional effectiveness, more-efficient business processes, student success and satisfaction.