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Hörstel, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, 2012/04/01 - Travellers have access to a platform that is providing first and business class tickets cheaper than their travel agencies can buy them - First-Class-Flight.com.
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The recently launched project First-Class-Flight.com is getting attention in the global jet set community. By a vibrant and fast move, its investors and founder Philipp Bacher are expecting to influence the aviation industry. “We will surely have an impact on many businesses. Depending on our growth capabilities we might even cause an evolution in the ticketing business,“ says the young visionary who is using established networks and opens these to the public. Now, travellers have access to a platform that is providing first and business class tickets cheaper than their travel agencies can buy them.
“Once upon a time people do things, which do not fit into their personal scheme. They provoke change. These are moments when they have the courage to step out the queue, cross the red line and break the pattern.” Bacher says. Furthermore, he reveals: “First-Class-Ticket.com does not try to persuade people to do something new. First-Class-Ticket.com enables them to improve their ticket booking by saving them time and money.”
How? Bringing a unique personalized booking experience to travelers was not originally the goal. It turned out to be the side effect of First-Class-Flight.com service. A service which combines experience with passion that results in professionalism. As busy, frequent flyer you will be fascinated by the assistance, as a long distance traveler you will appreciate the economic pricing and as a free spirit you will fall in love with the simplicity.
The platform provides Business Class and First Class tickets at prices that provoke a seismic shaking on the market. Bacher and his partner Oleg Evdokimov enable customers to buy their upper class ticket for a fraction of its initial costs. The company promotes tickets that are up to 40% discounted.
Furthermore, the service is fully customized. “We want customers to tell us what is needed and we will make them an offer that they cannot refuse”, Bacher says. Why a superior service as this can be so cheap becomes clear after seeing its structure. Travel professionals from around the world have been gathered in a network that answers customer’s requests. The service is kept simple but ingenious.
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Contact: Ekaterina Kozina - First-Class-Flight.com
+49 54591500 info[.]first-class-flight.com