TATA Interactive Systems (TIS), a global leader in e-learning, has been awarded the APEX 2005 Award of Excellence for its University of Phoenix (UoP) simulation ‘Motivating and compensating employees’. 4,942 entries were received for this year’s APEX Awards, including 281 entries in the ‘Campaigns, Programs & Plans category’, in which TIS won its Award of Excellence.
This is the second year in a row in which TIS has won this award. Last year’s winning entry was also one of its SimBLs™ - on business ethics - produced for the UoP.
SimBLs™ are compact, byte-sized chunks of learning, trademarked by TIS, which provide a highly immersive and focused learning experience. TIS has a library of more than 120 SimBLs™, covering a diverse range of topics including accounting and finance, critical thinking, psychology – and even religion!
The APEX (Awards for Publication Excellence) Awards 2005 were given in 11 main categories including: newsletters; magazines and journals; 'magapapers' and newspapers; annual reports; brochures, manuals and reports; video and electronic publications; Web and intranet sites; campaigns, programs and plans; writing; design and illustration; and special publications.
This comes just a month after the Odyssey Writer 1.0, a product that TIS created for Compass Learning, won the 2005 Media and Methods Award in the ‘Reading, Writing and Language Arts’ category’.
Manoj Kutty, the worldwide president of sales and marketing at TIS, commented: “SimBLs™ provide learners with an engaging and highly motivating way to interact with e-learning materials, greatly enhancing the learning experience and increasing the retention of information. They simulate specific topics by substituting fidelity-to-concept for fidelity-to-reality, helping learners to focus on the key learning points in the material.
“They can be used as standalone learning tools or can be blended with other forms of learning for use as ice breakers, pre-assessments or even assessment tools”.
Sanjaya Sharma, chief executive of TIS, added: “Using SimBLs™ at the University of Phoenix has demonstrated the effectiveness of this approach in facilitating learning. The University now incorporates SimBLs™ in its business management program and uses SimBLs™ on other courses being taught throughout the university”.
Being more tightly focused than many online business simulations, SimBLs™ can offer a cost-effective way of learning – being available on a ‘pay-per-user’ basis.
About the APEX Awards
The APEX Awards for Publication Excellence is an annual competition for writers, editors, publications staff and business and nonprofit communicators. It is sponsored by Communications Concepts, Inc., publishers of business communication reports, including Writing That Works, a subscription monthly for professional communicators, and special reports on topics such as Writing for the WEB.
The APEX awards are judged on excellence in graphic design, quality of editorial content and the success of the entry in conveying the message and achieving overall communications effectiveness.
The APEX (Awards for Publication Excellence) Awards 2005 were given in 11 main categories including: newsletters; magazines and journals; 'magapapers' and newspapers; annual reports; brochures, manuals and reports; video and electronic publications; Web and intranet sites; campaigns, programs and plans; writing; design and illustration; and special publications.
4,942 entries were received including 281 entries in the ‘Campaigns, Programs & Plans category’, in which Tata Interactive Systems won an Award of Excellence for the UoP Simulation - Motivating and compensating employees.
About Tata Interactive Systems
Tata Interactive Systems (TIS) is a global pioneer in e-learning. A part of the $14 billion Tata Group—one of the largest and most trusted business conglomerates in India—TIS has 15 years of experience in training consulting, designing, and developing innovative and cutting-edge workforce performance enhancement solutions. Its service bouquet includes Consulting; Simulations and Simulation-based Learning Objects (SimBLs™); Story-based Learning Objects (StoBLs™); Game-based Learning Objects (GamBLs™); IT Application Training; Regulatory and Compliance Training; Adaptive Assessments; Sales and Customer Service Training; New Hire Training; Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS); and Business Processes and Skills Training.
TIS employs a global team of 850 multi-disciplinary specialists—a unique mix of Project Managers, Software Engineers, Instructional Designers, Content Developers, Visual Designers, and Animators. It has a strong presence in the US, with operations spread across seven cities—Atlanta, Boston, Carlsbad, Chicago, Dallas, New Jersey, and San Jose—serviced by its development teams stationed locally. In keeping with the co-shoring model, the teams are managed by on-site Project Managers who co-ordinate with the clients and drive the project operations.
Powered by creative talent, sound processes, and technological excellence, TIS has developed 950+ e-learning solutions for more than 300 clients—including more than 50 Fortune 500 companies—across the US, UK, Europe, Australia, and Asia. Its client roster includes leading corporations, renowned educational institutions and government bodies such as Allstate, American Airlines, Abbey National, American Honda Finance Corporation, British Airways, Citigroup, Cigna, ExxonMobil, Florida Virtual School, GE, GlaxoSmithKline, Hewlett Packard, Motorola, McKinsey & Co., McGraw-Hill, UNICEF, Unilever, University of Maryland, and University of Phoenix.
Apart from holding ISO 9001 and BS7799 certification, TIS is the only e-learning organization in the world to be assessed at Level 5 in both the SEI CMM and P-CMM frameworks. Classified as a Visionary in the Gartner Group’s coveted ‘magic quadrant,’ TIS’s quest for innovation and excellence is reflected in 22 prestigious industry awards.