Gayquation has been in business for 5 years. Prior to that, the owner and founder was a personal matchmaker and coach to many professional men in the corporate world. Many of whom were too busy to find a date. He slowly opened up his business to the entire gay community. It is now available to everyone. Opening doors and connecting gay men, queer, bisexual, transgender and transsexuals and the curious.
In interviewing and speaking with thousands of gay men, Gayquation.com developed their concept around gay love and defined what started as an expression of the company’s belief system and it spread, rapidly. The findings were romanticized even though gay romance is reportedly non-existent or hard to come by. The research found that while the viewers are adults 18- 75 years of age in spread, many agreed that love is a right and a choice. Confident in living their lives openly in happiness, goodwill and extending exotic love throughout the gay community, they were willing to discuss in a mature manner the controversies related to many of today’s most important issues in the LGBT culture and lifestyle. They found that their warm hearted clients were daring to find their match despite these issues and are proactive in seeking a quality date and potential love interest worthy of their time.
As defined by Gayquation and the many men they have spoken with over the years, the research proved Gay Love is hardwired in your nervous system. It is debatable if it is controllable. Simply put, you will know gay love if you can’t help yourself around this special guy, he draws you in and gets under your skin. It is a biologically intensely strong emotion that overrides your brain and engages your five (5) senses and inner eye. Let’s face it, he affects your psyche.
The owner said that gay love is a vertical tango, it takes fineness and charm. A natural chemistry and flow, and a little stepping on some toes, some laughter and fun, passion and sensuality. Gay Love is also, a Partnership Commitment for a lifetime companion. He moves you to passionate feelings you sometimes don’t understand, yet yearn to figure out and do again. He is someone you open up to and smile often with, laugh with, who you love being around and want to spend as much time as possible with him. Do you think of him primarily and often occupy your brain when you are bored. He excites you and you can be your true self around him. You can feel comfortable in the trust you place in this man and he is worthy of your attention and affection. You can’t let him go and you can’t see your future without him in it. It's having an overwhelming feeling of happiness come over you just watching him come your way. It's catching yourself smiling when all you're doing is listening to him speak or getting physical with him.
He makes you want to learn new stuff to impress him. He controls you, yet is submissive to your needs, wants and desires. He makes you enjoy the moment while planning the future. Kids, yeah, maybe the thought crosses your mind at some point. He is someone you can get protective of, emotional about and you want to comfort when he is sick, overly emotional or out of control. He has earned your continued respect and is worthy of your tears, laughter and your heart and that loves you as much as you love him.
Your companion, lover and true best friend.
No woman can cut it. Solid love.
Just him.
Bonded for life.
It spread because Gayquation (gayquation.com) wants that lifestyle, level of partnership and long term success for all of their clients. Their expert matchmakers look at every match as a potential partner with the beginning traits that you would want in your special someone.
They found success in a formula highlighting and weighting specific characteristics, necessary for m4m success, while shadowing others. A Gayquation was born. All potential matches are thrown into the equation above and must be within 20% (0.80 or higher) of your standard mark of 1.00. In essence, you set the curve. They use this equation to showcase you to great like-minded guys and charming individuals who are inventing the future and reinventing the word Gay.
Their formula: The Gayquotient
Their interviews and observations work for you. They reveal the quirks that are exclusive to guys and the varying traits that separate straight men from gay men. Their team excels at discovery skills and are not bashful about controversies and questions that you want to know about the potential matches. Straight talk is front and center here. They specialize in and know men and their special psychologies and behaviors. Alongside great matchmakers speaking their minds, confirming insights on the individual; they ask direct questions and give a personal recommendation based on his and your Gayquotient. The assessment process puts into framework an easy to understand introduction and character analysis which delves deeply into personalities and lifestyles with common sense and professionalism to really get to know the guys intimately.
They then seek it in numbers of quality matches. The feedback from the interviews are used as a quick connection for you to have deeper conversations to get to know the chosen one. It is as simple as sending an email or instant message and saying “hi”.