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Premiere Edition Katsujinken, A Sword Arts Journal Released - - Premiere Digital Edition of Katsujinken, a Sword Arts Journal was released 11/9- via epaperflip. Print Edition (4/4, UV, perfect-bound) orders are still being accepted and ship just in time for the onset of the holiday season (Nov. 2011)
Premiere Edition Katsujinken, A Sword Arts Journal Released -


NewswireTODAY - /newswire/ - Alexandria, VA, United States, 2011/11/17 - Premiere Digital Edition of Katsujinken, a Sword Arts Journal was released 11/9- via epaperflip. Print Edition (4/4, UV, perfect-bound) orders are still being accepted and ship just in time for the onset of the holiday season (Nov. 2011).

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Katsujinken provides Sword Artisans of all walks of life with an outlet for personal expression and growth relative to both Eastern and Western Sword Art practices.

"At Katsujinken, a Sword Arts Journal, we believe what we learn, practice, and teach makes us who we are in our day-to-day life experiences. Moreover, we believe, for each of us, our niche' seems to be where we align and center our focus; this becomes a driving force of our livelihood remaining inseparable from the remainder of our life on many levels. Sword Arts result in friendships and bonds, which would never be realized without experiencing the conquests involved in our Art Forms and our practices, where our Life Giving Swords or Life Sustaining Swords, represent personal journeys of discovery we've chosen for ourselves. One of the most important things for each of us, is our individual reality wherein we build as Sword Artisans within a community and with one another. We grow together, becoming Families of Practitioners, whether we ascribe to Eastern or Western philosophies. And, it is this celebration of self and community, which Katsujinken embraces," states Jason Lee A. Hatcher - Katsujinken Founder and Editor-in-Chief.

The Katsujinken Team is comprised of Jason Lee A. Hatcher (Founder and Editor-in-Chief), Kent Jensen (Creative Art Director), Michelle R. Hatcher (Subscriptions and Pro-Shop Manager), and dpInk: DonnaInk Publications (Publisher). The Premiere Edition of Katsujinken, a Sword Arts Journal, features over 150 artful images and photographs, 22 advertisements, and 15 articles including the Editor's Message, a quarterly lesson in Japanese titled, Samurai Speak, a Sensei or Trainer and Dojo Spotlight, with instructional sections – such as Making a Tsuka, and stories – such as Chicago Sword Play’s Deed of Arms – Western Sword Art Workshop. There are also literary reviews – such as Mike Loads, Swords and Swordsman; Paul Martin, The Japanese Sword; and Becky Sheetz-Runkle, Sun Tzu for Women - The Art of War for Winning in Business reviews; and much more.

The digital release of Katsujinken's Premiere Edition is a high-quality epaperflip with thumbnails, search mechanisms, archival and other other tools. The digital magazine is set against a rich Japanese Shrine motif and sounds like a magazine as you flip the pages - a feature you can turn on and off. Their print edition is being promoted as perfect-bound, full 4|4 color, with full UV coating and is set for shipment late November prior to the onset of the holiday season. The Katsujinken Team states their print edition promises to be a collector's item worthy of "any Sword Practitioner's library." The Team has already noted a few glitches in their digital edition, which they state are already under reparation for a "perfected" print release and so far, even with a few late hour adjustments. . . they have been receiving phenomenal reviews such as these listed here:

I have to say, I am very impressed. Excellent quality, really good and diverse articles, and great pictures. Well done, looking forward to the next issue, but think I will enjoy this one for a while. ~David Drawdy Sensei, Virginia Kenshinkai

I am looking forward to providing many articles for different issues of your magazine . . . this is a wonderful magazine. ~Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani, Arms and Armor from Iran and Lexicon of Arms and Armor from Iran

The inaugural e-edition of this splendid magazine arrived in my inbox last night. The print issue should be available shortly. This is a beautifully produced magazine with a wide range of superb features and photographs that will be irresistible to anyone with an interest in swords and related activities. You should rush to subscribe! I am quite sure that the print edition will become a collector's item. ~Mike Loades, Swords and Swordsmen

Just saw the premier issue of Katsujinken, a Sword Arts Journal, and all I can say is WOW! Sword enthusiasts of all kinds, East, West, or all points in between will find this really terrific. You can get the print or electronic version at this link. Congratulations to Jason Lee Hatcher and everyone else who put this together. Great work! ~Becky Sheetz-Runkle - Sun Tzu for Women - The Art of War for Winning in Business

Just got to take a look at how the magazine turned out. I am really impressed. There are lots of really interesting articles from all walks of the martial arts world. ~Christopher Treichel

The magazine features a ‘Sneak Peak’ sectional for up and coming issues and the March 2012 Edition is already generating some buzz. . . as their next issue will present:

- A Brief Introduction into 16th Century Bolognese Swordsmanship, by Steven Reich of NoVA Assalto

- David Drawdy Sensei, Nakamura Ryu Batto Do—SENSEI SPOTLIGHT INTERVIEW

- Dr. Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani with fellow colleagues—Battle Formation, Tactics and Weaponry Choices described in The Book of Kings, by Ferdowsi

- Group Photo Contest—Prize Features—with submission request for images, photographs and pictorial essays.

- International Batto-do Federation in the United States of America—Words from Seniors

- Kagenori Ueno Soke Interview—Rise of Tenshinsho Jigen Ryu in the United States of America

- Samurai Speak, by Kent Jensen

- The Medieval Art of Combat with Sword and Buckler Interpreting Europe’s Oldest Fencing Treatise, by Rowland Warcheza

This is an excellent gift-giving idea for the Sword Lover in your life as well. For more info, please visit

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Premiere Edition Katsujinken, A Sword Arts Journal Released -

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